Please take a look at our FAQs to see if your question already has an answer.
Regardless, we’re here to answer any questions or comments you may have.
So feel free to fill out our contact form.
During business hours, you can also start a chat to get a faster response.
Either through Messenger, or our store chat. We temporarily removed our phone number, due to being busy in our own salon businesses. Apologies for the inconvenience!
Business hours are Mon - Fri,
9 AM - 5 PM CT, excluding national holidays.
We currently don't have a showroom, so unfortunately it's impossible to visit us at the moment.
We are working on growing our business and opening a retail location once we are ready.
Local pick-ups can in some cases be arranged, though. Depending on which warehouse, your products ship from.
Please reach out to us with the brand you are after, and we can inform you of our warehouse locations.
We currently don't have a showroom, so unfortunately it's impossible to visit us at the moment.
We are working on growing our business and opening a retail location once we are ready.
Local pick-ups can in some cases be arranged, though. Depending on which warehouse, your products ship from.
Please reach out to us with the brand you are after, and we can inform you of our warehouse locations.
We'll occasionally send you some discounts or hot sales! Or inform you about newly released products.